LD17 ByLaws
The Arizona Legislative District 17 Republican Committee (LD 17 "Committee" or the "District") exists under and by virtue of the Arizona Revised Statutes. The LD 17 Committee is affiliated with the Arizona Republican Party and the Pima County Republican Committee, and the District is deemed an associated Legislative District of the Pima County Republican Committee (PCRC).
The LD 17 Committee consists of all Republican Precinct Committeemen residing within the precincts of Legislative District 17, elected or duly appointed as provided for under Title 16, § 16-822 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
A. The term of office for a Precinct Committeeman ("PC") elected to the LD 17 Committee in the Primary Election is two years, and shall begin at 12:00AM MST on October 1, following the Primary Election at which the committeeman was a candidate.
B. The term of office for PCs who are appointed by the Pima County Republican Chairman ("County Chairman") begins on the date of approval of the appointment by the Pima County Board of Supervisors.
C. The term for all PCs shall end at 11 :59 PM MST on September 30, following the Primary election at which PCs are elected.
Where there are new or existing vacancies in the office of Precinct Committeeman due to the PCs death, resignation, permanent incapacity, failure to register as a Republican or move from the precinct in which the PC was elected, the District Chairman shall be requested to submit qualified PC applications to the County Chairman. Applications which are not approved and not submitted to the Pima County Board of Supervisors will be processed as stated in the PCRC Bylaws. The statement identifying the reason an application was not approved will be made available by the District Chairman, within seven (7) days, to any PC who requests it.
The minimum duties of elected and appointed PCs shall be to assist the Republican Party in voter registration and to assist the Republican Party to Get Out The Vote. Additional duties shall be as provided for in the state committee, county committee, or these bylaws. Elected and appointed PCs possess all rights of membership. However, unless authorized by State law, only elected PCs may perform the following functions:
A. Vote at District statutory organizational meetings, except on occasion of the Reorganization due to Redistricting, when both elected and appointed PCs will vote on equal terms;
B. Serve as District Officers;
C. Serve as State Committeemen;
D. Vote for nominees to fill vacancies in the State Legislature;
E. Precinct Captains may be appointed by the District Chairman or may be elected by the PCs of the precinct, whichever occurs first. The Precinct Captain will coordinate the PC activity in their precinct and assist PCs in performing their duties.
The LD 17 Committee consists of the PCs residing in the District.
The Chairman of the LD 17 Committee represents his/her PCs as the district's representative on and an ex officio voting member of the Pima County Executive Committee. In the event that the office of Chairman is vacant, or the Chairman is excluded from Executive Committee meetings, the First (or highest remaining) ViceChairman of the Legislative District Committee shall be recognized as the Legislative District's representative on and ex officio voting member of the County Executive Committee.
A. Number The District elective offices are: Chairman, First Vice Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, Third Vice Chairman, Fourth Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. All elected officers of the LD 17 Committee are considered members of the District Executive Committee.
B. Qualifications for Officers
1. All District officers must be elected PCs of the District in which they reside, except on the occasion of Reorganizing due to Redistricting term, when all PCs will participate, and, in that event, the Chairman must still be an elected PC.
2. If an officer moves within the District and is appointed a PC in their new precinct within sixty (60) days, they shall continue to hold their District office.
3. No member may hold more than one elected office at a time within the District, except that of the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by the same person. If one person acts both as Secretary and Treasurer, that person has only one vote, and counts as only one member for purpose of quorum.
C. Term of Office
1. The Officers shall be elected at the Statutory Organizational Meeting for a two-year term, and they shall assume their duties upon the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected.
2. Officers serve through the next Statutory District organizational meeting or until their successors are elected.
D. Vacancy A vacancy in an office is caused by reasons including the following:
1. Death;
2. Permanent Incapacity,
3. Failure to maintain registration as a Republican;
4. Resignation;
5. Removal from office;
6. Ceasing to be a PC residing in the Precinct or District;
7. Ceasing to discharge the duties of office for a period of three consecutive months; or
8. Failure of a person to be elected or appointed to the office.
E. Filling of Vacancy of an Office
1. Vacancy in any elective District office, other than the Chairman, shall be filled by the Chairman, with the approval of a majority of the District Executive Committee. An appointed Officer shall serve until the next Statutory Meeting, when an election shall be held for that office. In the event that the office of District Chairman is vacated for any reason, then the highest ranking Vice Chairman shall call a special meeting of all elected PCs within sixty (60) days of the vacancy to elect a new District Chairman.
2. If no Vice Chair exists, then the County Chairman may assist the District by calling a meeting of all elected PCs to elect a new District Chairman within sixty (60) days of the vacancy ..
F. Multiple Vacancies of Officers
If Executive Committee quorum cannot be achieved due to multiple officer vacancies, the District Chairman, if serving, otherwise, the County Chairman, may appoint pro tern officers from the LD 17 Committee to fill the vacancies until the District Committee elects permanent replacements.
G. Pima County Executive Committee Representation
1. In the absence of the District Chairman, the First Vice Chairman then Second Vice Chairman and so forth, in that order, may represent the District at a Pima County Executive Committee meeting.
2. Any officer other than the Chairman will not have a proxy to vote on the Pima County Executive Committee but may be in attendance to capture any relevant information for the District.
H. Removal of an Officer
A District officer, including the Chairman, may be removed from office at any meeting of the District by a majority vote of elected PCs, except during the period covered by Reorganization due to Redistricting, when both elected and appointed PCs will be equal, provided that a written notice of the proposed removal is sent to the affected Officer no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting and an announcement of the proposed removal was made in the notice, or if a motion to remove is made at least one meeting prior to removal.
I. Mandatory Resignation
1. A District Officer must resign their officer position upon declaring candidacy for a paid elective office or accepting a position for any of the following: (i) a campaign committee for a paid elected office in a disputed primary election; (ii) a political action committee for a candidate in a disputed primary election; or (iii) an independent expenditure committee for a candidate in a disputed primary election. Establishment of an exploratory committee shall not trigger this requirement.
2. In order to preserve the duty and integrity of all District Officers to support and encourage all Republican candidates in a contested primary election, a District Officer may not work on a contested primary candidate's election in any capacity, whether compensated or not. If the affected Officer desires a waiver to this requirement, they may, in advance, apply by motion (majority of elected PCs required) during a regular meeting of the District.
J. Duties of Elected Officers
District elected officers must perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws, the Bylaws of the Arizona State Republican Party, Pima County Republican Party, and by the most current version of Roberts Rules of Order. The duties prescribed by these Bylaws are as follows:
1. Chairman
a. Organize the District for effective and continuous work on behalf of the Republican Party and its candidates; and
b. Cooperate with the County Chairman and attend all Executive Committee meetings; and
c. In cooperation with the First Vice Chairman and Secretary, maintain a current record of the District organization, including the names of, and available contact information for PCs, State Committeemen, and other volunteers; and
d. Provide member contact information as provided for elsewhere in these Bylaws; and
e. Appoint non-elective Officers and Committee chairs and members as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, and be a non-voting ex-officio member of all committees, unless excluded by these Bylaws; and
f. Assist and support the organization of Republican clubs within the District;
g. Direct the organization and promotion of voter registration activities within the District; and
h. Preside at District and Executive Committee meetings; and
i. Represent the District in an official capacity, serve as the recognized leader of the Republican Party in the District, and coordinate the district-wide activities of the Republican Party; and
j. Exercise the usual powers of supervision and management customary to the office of chair, and implement policies for the efficient and responsible operation of the District, subject to approval by the Executive Committee; and
k. In cooperation with the District Treasurer, prepare a budget for the calendar year and submit such budget to the Executive Committee for adoption, be an authorized signer on District checks, and have final approval on all District expenditures; and Furnish a monthly itemized statement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses required in the performance of duties as Chairman, as set forth in the annual budget. Any expense in excess of the amount budgeted to the Chairman shall be authorized by the Executive Committee; and
l. Furnish a monthly itemized statement of out-of-pocket expenses required in the performance of duties as Chairman, as set forth in the annual budget. Any expenses in excess of the amount budgeted to the Chairman shall be authorized by the Executive committee ,and
m. Direct, redistribute, or reassign elected officer duties in cooperation with the Executive Committee; and
n. In cooperation with the County Chairman, nominate elected PCs to fill vacant State Committeemen positions; and
o. In cooperation with County Chairman, fill PC vacancies by nomination for appointment.
2. First Vice Chairman
a. Lead membership and recruitment efforts for the District, including overseeing recruitment and training of PCs in collaboration with other elected officers; and
b. Perform additional duties as assigned by the District Chairman; and
c. In the absence of the Chairman, the First Vice Chairman must:
i. Preside at District and Executive Committee meetings; and
ii. Perform duties of the Chairman that cannot wait for the return of the Chairman.
3. Second Vice Chairman
a. Coordinate meeting programs, schedule and recruit speakers; and
b. Perform additional duties as assigned by the District Chairman; and
c. In the absence of the Chairman and the First Vice Chairman, the Second Vice Chairman must:
i. Preside at District and Executive Committee meetings; and
ii. Perform duties of the Chairman that cannot wait for the return of the Chairman.
4. Third Vice Chairman
a. Lead and coordinate fundraising events; and
b. Perform additional duties as assigned by the District Chairman; and
c. In the absence of the Chairman, the First Vice Chairman and the Second Vice Chairman the Third Vice Chairman must:
i. Preside at District and Executive Committee meetings; and
ii. Perform duties of the Chairman that cannot wait for the return of the Chairman.
5. Fourth Vice Chairman
a. Maintain the District website, coordinate District social media efforts, conduct voter registration events; and
b. Perform additional duties as assigned by the District Chairman; and
c. In the absence of the Chairman, the First Vice Chairman, the Second Vice Chairman and the Third Vice Chairman, the Fourth Vice Chairman must:
i. Preside at District and Executive Committee meetings; and
Perform duties of the Chairman that cannot wait for the return of the chairman.
6. Secretary
a. Take and maintain records of minutes of all meetings of the District and the Executive Committee; and
b. In cooperation with other elected officers, transmit required official meeting notices and other District correspondence, except when and as directed by the Chairman; and
c. In cooperation with the District Chairman and First Vice Chairman, maintain a current and accurate roster of the District membership, including appointed officers, committees, and attendance records; and
d. Preserve all permanent District records and transfer these records upon leaving office; and
e. A contact list of the Republicans in a precinct, including email addresses, will be provided to any PC of that precinct, for District business only, within seven (7) days of request, by any method and format allowed by law; and
f. Performing other duties incidental to the office and as may be assigned by the District Chairman.
7. Treasurer
a. In cooperation with the District Chairman, prepare a budget for each calendar year; and
b. Disburse funds only upon the order of the District Chairman, or in the Chairman's absence, the appropriate Vice Chairman, sign all checks approved by the District Chair or appropriate Vice Chairman; and
c. File all required state and county reports in a timely and accurate manner;
d. Establish and maintain a District bank account for which the District Chairman and the Treasurer must be account signers; and
e. Maintain custody of all funds of the District and pay all bills upon the authorization of the Chairman or appropriate Vice Chairman; and
f. Maintain an account of all monies received and disbursed and provide a report at regular District meetings, and as requested by the Chairman;
g. Transfer all records upon leaving office; and
h.In cooperation with the District Chairman, conduct an orderly transfer of control of the District's bank account and funds and submit a final report upon leaving office; and
i.Perform other duties incidental to the office and as may be assigned by the District Chairman.
K. Appointment of other Officers
The District Chairman may appoint additional non-voting officers including but not limited to Parliamentarian, Chaplain, General Counsel and Sergeant at Arms.
B. Duties of Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall convene upon written notice when necessary to conduct District business.
C. Meetings of Executive Committee.
1. Notice of a meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the District Chairman or any four Executive Committee members. Notice must be given to all members of the Executive Committee by electronic means no less than 24 hours in advance of the meeting. This requirement may be waived by unanimous consent of all voting members of the Executive Committee.
2. Fifty percent of the elected District officers constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. If the number of District officers is below six due to vacancies, a minimum of three elected District officers constitutes a quorum.
3. Minutes of the meeting must be taken and these minutes must be distributed at the next District meeting or with the notice of the next District meeting.
4. The presider of any Executive Committee meeting must give a report at the next District meeting.
A. Notice
1. Meeting notice must be issued for any District meeting at which business may be conducted.
2. The meeting notice must be sent no sooner than twenty eight (28) days and:
a. No later than ten days prior to the meeting if an election is to be held;
b. No later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting if no election is to be held;
c. To District PCs as recorded and published by the Pima County Elections Office notice shall be given as follows:
i. Email to all District PCs who have provided an email address in writing to the District Secretary; or
ii. U.S. Mail to all District PCs who have not provided an email address to the District Secretary and who have requested in writing that the District send meeting notices via U.S. Mail.
3. The meeting notice must include:
a. The date, time, and place of the meeting;
b. The agenda
c. Business that requires previous notice, such as proposed Bylaw amendments, or officer removals, if any;
d. For meetings at which elections will be held, the additional meeting notice requirements specified in the Elections section of these Bylaws.
e. All PCs have the right to propose any action which requires notice by notifying the Chairman prior to a meeting notice being issued. The Chairman must include such notice in the next meeting notification.
4. The above procedures satisfy meeting notice requirements. PCs who have not provided an email address to the District Secretary nor requested in writing that the District send notices via U.S. Mail shall not receive meeting notices.
B. Quorum
1. A quorum must be present for the transaction of any business at any District meeting. The quorum, once established, will remain the official quorum for the duration of the meeting.
2. The quorum for transaction of business is:
a. Organizational Meeting: 20%;
b. Regular Meeting: 15%
c. Special Meeting: 20%
d. Quadrennial Convention Delegates election meeting: 20%;
e. State Legislature nominee election meetings: 20%
C. Agenda
The Chairman shall develop the agenda for each District meeting. Each District meeting agenda must include "New Business" and "Old Business" headings under which members may make motions for consideration by the District membership. New and Old Business must be conducted prior to Invited Speakers.
D. Proxies
1. Proxy voting is not permitted for any purpose in any District meeting or any meeting of any committee or the Executive Committee of the District, except as statutorily required.
2. PCs eligible to vote at a District meeting where Proxies are statutorily required, may give their Proxy to a registered Republican living and registered in the same precinct as the giver. Proxies may not be transferred to a third party.
3. No proxy carrier may carry more than three (3) proxies.
4. Proxies are valid solely on the date of the meeting for which they are created.
5. The proxy must:
a. Conform to the specification contained in the Pima County Republican Committee bylaws;
b. Be signed by the giver within thirty (30) days of the meeting at which it is to be used;
c. Be attested to by a notary public or by two (2) witnesses, not including the proxy carrier or the proxy giver.
6. At any meeting at which proxies are used:
a. Proxies must be submitted upon registration;
b. At registration, each PC voter must sign in opposite their name in a "Present in Person" column, and, for each proxy carried, sign opposite the proxy's name in a "Present by Proxy" column;
c. Each PC voter shall be given a ballot for himself and for the number of proxies he carries;
d. The Chairman, or designee shall issue and announce the presence of a quorum before any business may be conducted;
A. Object. District members must convene in an organizational meeting for the purpose of electing Officers and State Committeemen ("SC" or "SCs"). Other business may be conducted.
B. Date. Unless otherwise required by the A.RS, this meeting must be held no earlier than the second Saturday following the general election and no later than the first Saturday of the following December.
C. Notice. The Organizational meeting notice must additionally include:
1. The list of officers to be elected;
2. The number of SCs to be elected;
3. That any elected PC desiring to run for any District office, for SC, or both, must submit his name, and the title of the office or offices sought, in writing, to the chair of the Nominating Committee by the deadline stated in the call.
4. The name, address, email address and phone number of the Nominating Committee Chairman;
5. A list of announced District officer candidates seeking election at the meeting. The LD 17 Executive Committee or Nominating Committee may arrange for debates among candidates.
A. Number. Regular District meetings must occur no less than six times in odd numbered years and no less than ten times during even numbered years.
B. Agenda. The agenda for regular meetings must allow for the introduction of New and Old Business by District members, prior to hearing from Invited Speakers.
A. Call. Special meetings may be called upon the written request of twenty percent ( 15%) of the District membership.
B. Purpose. The purpose of the meeting must be stated in the Notice, which must be sent no less than ten (10) days before the meeting. No business other than that stated in the Notice may be transacted at any special meeting.
A. When the LD 17 Committee receives the call from the State Committee for State and Congressional Conventions, each District Chairman shall promulgate the call for such Legislative Convention. The call shall include the date, time and place of the District Convention, and shall state the purpose as including the election of Delegates and Alternates to the State Convention. It shall also include the appointment of Delegates and Alternates for the District, for the State Convention.
B. Delegates and Alternates shall be elected at the District Convention. Such meetings are to be held no later than twenty (20) days prior to the date of the State Convention. Notice of such meetings shall be sent to each PC of each District no less than ten(10) days before such meeting. If the precinct committeeman has provided a valid e-mail address and has authorized the chairman to give notice to the PCs by e-mail instead of by United States mail, the chairman of the District Committee shall provide notice of the meeting by e-mail no less than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting. No proxies are allowed at the District Conventions.
A. The District Committee shall meet after the effective date of reapportionment legislation that realigns or changes Legislative District boundaries, electing from the membership a Chairman, three Vice Chairmen, a Secretary and a Treasurer. For the purpose of this election, the voting membership of the District shall consist of all PCs residing in the District no less than thirty (30) days prior to the enactment of apportionment legislation. Further, the District Chairman, if running unopposed, or someone nominated by the County Chairman, if the office of Chairman is contested, shall act as chairman pro tern of the meeting until the new Chairman is elected. Upon election of the new Chairman, said Chairman shall conduct the remainder of the meeting, including the election of the remaining District officers.
B. In the event reapportionment is challenged in court or the US Justice Department, the District 17 in effect before passage of the reapportionment legislation shall continue to function along with the new District organization created until the final adjudication of any legal challenge. Upon final settlement of any legal challenge, the District organization in effect before enactment of the reapportionment legislation shall be considered dissolved.
1. Notice. In addition to other meeting notice requirements specified in these Bylaws, the meeting notice for any meeting at which an election may be held must include:
a. A list of all elective positions available for nomination and election at that meeting;
b. A list of any qualified and announced candidates for any elective position at that meeting.
2. Agenda. At meetings in which an election is to be held, the election takes precedence over all other business.
3. Credentialing
a. Eligible PCs must present a photo ID with an address that matches the District roll as published by the Pima County Elections' Department. In the event the address on the Photo ID does not match the rolls, a Photo ID presented with two forms of identification indicating the residence address (such as utility bills) may be accepted;
b. The Credentialing and Tally Committee ("C&T Committee) will certify the number of eligible votes as of the call to order and determine the presence of a quorum. It must present its report for adoption by the membership.
4. Nominations
a. All PCs who have notified the Nominating Committee or the Chairman, as the case may be, by the deadline stated in the meeting notice of their intent to run, and who are qualified to serve, must appear on the ballot;
b. Nominations for elective offices may be made from the floor at all meetings where elections are held;
c. Floor nominees must be present in person and express their eligibility and willingness to serve in the office for which they are nominated.
5. Campaigning. All candidates for election may conduct campaigning activities, and accordingly, may request the unabridged or unaltered District PC contact list(s) from the LD Chairman, which will be provided within seven (7) days.
6. Debates. The Executive Committee or Nominating Committee may arrange for debates among candidates.
7. Ballots / Voting
a. Voting for elective offices will be made by ballot except where only one nominee is being considered for an office, in which case election may be by acclamation;
b. Multiple elections may be combined onto a single ballot at the discretion of the C&T Committee;.
c. The ballot for all elections must contain, in alphabetical order for each office, the names of all qualified and announced candidates as received by the C&T committee;
d. The ballot must include space for floor-nominated candidates and write-ins;
e. In a contested election each candidate may designate one person as an observer at the time the ballots are counted;
f. At the close of elections all ballots (both used and spare) must be preserved for no less than fourteen (14) days and available for audit.
8. Announcements of Results Final results must be announced as soon as they are available, but in any event before the meeting is adjourned.
9. Election Certification Election results must be certified and signed by the Chairman of the C&T Committee. Itemized recording of the vote tally must be entered into the minutes of the meeting.
B. District Officers
1. Number of Offices A PC may be nominated for no more than one District office at a time.
2. Contested Election. If the District Chairman is running for re-election in a contested election, a chairman pro tern must be appointed by the District Chairman, and approved by the Executive Committee to conduct the election. The chairman pro tern must not be a PC running for a District office in any contested election. If all of the District Officers are running in contested elections, the County Chairman shall nominate and choose a chair pro tern.
3. Speeches Each candidate for elective District office may not have nominating and seconding speeches. Candidates may address the District Committee and PCs may address and ask questions of the candidate.
4. Majority Vote. District officers must be elected by majority vote, utilizing the exhaustive ballot method:
a. If a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in a round of balloting, that candidate is elected;
b. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the fewest votes is eliminated and another round of ballots must be cast;
c. Subsequent rounds of elimination and balloting must be conducted until a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in an individual round of balloting and is elected;
d. If two or more candidates are tied for the lowest number of votes in a round of balloting, the candidate to be eliminated may be determined by any method agreed to by all the tied candidates. If no agreement can be reached, the eliminated candidate must be determined by lot;
e. Candidates may withdraw after any round of balloting prior to the next round of balloting;
f. The withdrawal of a candidate after a round of balloting shall not prevent another candidate from being otherwise eliminated unless the withdrawing candidate and the other candidate are either the only two candidates remaining or are both tied for receiving the fewest number of votes in the previous round of balloting.
5. Recount If the vote count differs by 2%, or less, the losing candidate may ask for a recount of the ballots cast.
6. Time of Taking Office. Newly elected officers take office at the adjournment of the meeting at which elected.
7. Reporting. The newly elected District Chairman must certify the election results to the County Chairman within seven (7) days following the elections.
1. Nomination.
a. SCs are elected from a ballot alphabetically listing the names of all elected District PCs who have submitted, in writing, their desire to serve as SCs by the deadline specified in the meeting call;
b. SC candidates nominated through the Nominations Committee need not be present but those desiring to be nominated from the floor must be present in person.
2. Speeches. Nominating and seconding speeches are not allowed for the office of SC; once nominated, candidates will be allowed one minute to address the PCs.
3. Election. Unless otherwise specified in the A.RS:
a. The District may elect one SC for every three PCs elected in the immediately preceding Primary Election;
b. If the number of SC candidates is less than the quota, then all SC candidates may be elected by acclamation;
c. Election is determined by the candidates receiving the largest number of votes until the District quota is filled, and an equal number of alternates are elected;
d. If there is a tie vote for the last SC or Alternate positions, the tie shall be broken by a method that would provide a random result.
4. Vacancy. In case of vacancy in a SC position, the District Chair must advise appointment of alternates in order starting with the alternate with the highest number of votes, and not consent to any appointment out of this order.
5. Reporting
a. A list of SCs and alternates, in the order of number of votes received, will be announced to the District membership no later than the adjournment of the meeting at which the election was held, and must be included in the meeting minutes along with the vote tally;
b.The District Chair must certify the election results of State Convention Delegates and Alternates to the chair of the AZGOP and to the chair of the PCRC no less than ten (10) days prior to the PCRC statutory organizational meeting.
Upon the call of the Republican National Committee (RNC), the District must convene to elect delegates and alternates to the Convention.
1. Notice
a. In addition to the meeting notice requirements for election meetings specified in these Bylaws, the call letter for the meeting where Quadrennial Convention delegates will be elected must be publicly posted and must include;
b. The place, date, and time of the Quadrennial Convention;
c. The number of Delegates and Alternates to be elected;
d. Instructions providing that any District PC, or Registered Republican, resident in the District and desiring to be a candidate for Delegate to the Quadrennial Convention shall submit his name in writing to the Nominating Committee by the deadline stated in the call;
e. The name, phone number, and address of the Nominating Committee members to whom the notice of candidacy may be submitted.
2. Date
a. The meeting to elect the District's State Quadrennial Convention Delegates must be held at the first regular District Meeting that follows official Convention notification from the AZGOP and that provides sufficient time to provide the required meeting notice;
b. If time constraints of the Quadrennial Convention date prevent holding this election at a regular meeting, a special meeting for this election may be held.
3. Campaigning Nominating and seconding speeches are not allowed for Quadrennial Convention Delegate candidates. Upon nomination, a nominee will be permitted one minute to speak, if desired.
4. Election
a. Delegates and Alternates to Quadrennial Convention must be elected by plurality vote from a written ballot listing the names of all registered Republicans residing within the District who have placed their name into nomination;
b. Only PCs of record as of December 31 of the year immediately preceding the presidential election year are eligible to vote;
c. Delegates and Alternates are elected in the order of the number of votes received from highest number of votes earned to lowest;
d. Pursuant to the rules of the RNC, there must be no proxies at any District meeting or convention held for the purpose of electing or selecting delegates to the national convention;
e. Ties will be decided by using a method as determined by the District Chair.
5. Alternates are those candidates receiving the next highest votes below the elected Delegates. Alternates serve according to priority determined by number of votes received.
6. Reporting
a. State Quadrennial Convention Delegate Election results must be certified and signed by the chair of the C&T Committee;
b. The District Chair must certify the election results of State Quadrennial Convention Delegates and Alternates to the chair of the AZGOP within three (3) days following the election.
If a vacancy occurs in the State Legislature and the seat was held by a Republican Party member of the District, the elected PCs of the District, except on occasion of the Reorganization for the Redistricting term, may recommend candidates to fill the vacancy.
A. The District Chairman may authorize any expenditures for routine expenses such as printing, copying, and postage, or for regular, recurring expenses, such as ongoing facility rental. Such reoccurring expense categories will be specifically approved by the Executive Committee.
B. Disbursement of funds for expenses other than routine require approval of the Executive Commitee. Any single expenditure of $1,000.00 or 10% of total available funds, whichever is less, will be approved by the District Committee at a regular business meeting.
C. Approved expenditures are to be reimbursed upon presentation of a receipt to the Treasurer.
All funds obtained by the District must be deposited in the District account within three (3) business days of receipt.
Before making any contribution from the District, regardless of the amount, the contribution must be authorized by the District Committee at a regular business meeting, after being placed on the Agenda for that meeting. Such contribution must be only to a candidate, committee, or organization that has been endorsed pursuant to these Bylaws, and only to general election candidates, no primary candidates.
A. Audit Committee The District Chair must appoint an Audit Committee, upon a change in incumbency in the office of Treasurer. The Audit Committee must consist of no less than three District members who did not serve on the Executive Committee during the previous 12 months.
B. Audit The Audit Committee must conduct an audit of the financial records of the District upon a change in incumbency of the Treasurer, and at such time as the Committee or District Chairman requests. Audits otherwise will be conducted at least every 2 years. The Committee must report their findings to the district membership at a subsequent meeting for approval.
A. Primary Elections
1. Endorsement by Officers: In a contested Republican primary election, no Officer of the District may claim to speak on behalf of the Executive Committee, or the District in support of a candidate in the Republican Primary Election unless authorized to do so by a 3/4 vote at a regular District meeting
2. Endorsements by the District: Any position the District may take regarding candidates in any Republican primary election requires a 3/4 vote. Endorsements of candidates in the general election requires a 3/4 vote of the District Committee.
3. Any restriction concerning endorsements of candidates in Republican primary elections shall not apply to individual PCs.
B. General Elections
No member of the District Committee may provide financial support or declare public support, approval, or endorsement for a non-Republican candidate in any election in which there is a Republican candidate for that office, unless that Republican candidate has been censured by this District, the Pima County Republican Committee, or the AZGOP, or unless the District has decided not to endorse the Republican candidate in that election.
There shall be a Nominating Committee appointed by the Chair, approved by the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the Officers, none of whom may be members of the Nominating Committee, and for the District Members of the State Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed no less than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which it isto present a slate of candidates. All members of the Nominating Committee shall be members of the District Committee. All candidates who are qualified and properly complete applications by the deadline shall be included on the slate of candidates.
A. The C&T Committee shall be appointed by the District Chairman, approved by the Executive Committee, from PCs who have not been nominated for any elective position, if possible.
B. In any election, each candidate may designate one person as an observer at the time the ballots are counted.
C. Members of the C&T Committee will prepare the ballots, prepare an alphabetical list of the valid electors for the meeting, and conduct the verification and sign-in of eligible PCs, process proxies, certify the number of eligible votes at the close of registration, handle ballot distribution and pickup during voting, tally by hand or machine count, certify the results, and report the voting results to the District Chair for announcement.
A. The Appeals Committee investigates, deliberates, and reports to the District Committee upon issues of concern regarding alleged violations of District rules and procedures, or ethical issues.
B. The Chairman of the Appeals Committee will be elected by a majority vote of the LD 17 Committee, at a regular meeting, and can only be removed by a 2/3 vote of the LD 17 Committee, at a regular meeting, provided ten (10) days' notice has been sent to the Appeals Committee Chairman. The Appeals Chairman will add such members as deemed necessary, on a case by case basis, to adequately investigate matters that come before the Appeals Committee. Neither the District Chairman nor the principals involved in the issue may serve on this Committee.
C. Duties
1. Convene within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written and signed letter of concern submitted to the Appeals Committee Chairman, unless the concern(s) stated are considered, by the Appeals Chairman, to be ill founded on their face, or inactionable.
2. Research and investigate concerns brought by members regarding issues of concern.
3. Conduct deliberations in executive session only.
4. If concerns are found to be well founded, in the opinion of the Appeals Committee Chairman, recommendations will be presented to the District membership for adjudication at a regular meeting.
5. District deliberations must be held in Executive session.
6. Any disciplinary action imposed requires a 2/3 vote of the District.
7. If those individuals who are principals in issues of concern are not wholly cooperative to the fullest with efforts to investigate those issues, in the opinion of the Appeals Committee Chairman, that refusal must be reported to the District Committee, along with the Committee's recommendation for adjudication.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised govern the District in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the District may adopt.
In the event that any of the terms or provisions of these Bylaws are held to be partially or wholly invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such holding shall not affect, alter, modify, or impair any of the other terms or provisions of such documents or the remaining portions of any terms or provisions held to be partially invalid or unenforceable.
These Bylaws shall become effective on the date of their adoption.
Any additions, amendments, deletions, revocations, or changes of these Bylaws shall be by a two-thirds vote of those PCs attending and voting in person or by proxy at a Regular, Statutory, or Special Meeting. The contents of the proposed Bylaws Amendments shall be included as ancillary material for the meeting, whether included in the mailed or emailed notice or posted on the LD 17 Committee web site. Only adoption or denial of the proposed amendments, exactly as included in the notice or posted on the web site, are in order; no change to the proposed amendments may be made at the meeting.
All votes in a meeting of the LD 17 Committee shall be by voice vote, by a standing vote when a division is called for by a member, by written ballot when required, or by roll call on demand of a majority of persons voting. Any motion or election for which proxy voting will be allowed shall be by written ballot.
All District officers, elected and appointed, must retain records specific to their activities in their office. Officers must transfer these records, as well as any records which may have been transferred from prior officers, to a District member designated by the District Chairman within seven (7) days of leaving office. If the office of the Chairman is vacant and no other officer has assumed the duties of the Chairman pursuant to these Bylaws, the vacating officer must transfer the records to the County Chairman or their designee.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS _18_DA Y, March 2023 Brook Doty